Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kissed By An Angel Book 4: Evercrossed

Warning: Do Not Read Unless You Have Read Kissed By An Angel

Title: Evercrossed
Author: Elizabeth Chandler
Series: 4th in the Kissed By An Angel series
Pages: 288
Published: Available now from Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781442409149 

True love withstands all. It withstands time, life... death.

It’s been a year since Ivy’s boyfriend, Tristan, died. They’ve both moved on—Tristan to the other side of the afterlife, and Ivy to sweet, dependable Will. Now Ivy’s heading to Cape Cod, hoping to leave the horror of last summer behind. She wants nothing more than to lie on the beach, sip lemonade, and hang out with her friends. But then a car crash ends Ivy’s life. 
As she floats to the beyond, looking down on the life she’s left behind, Tristan breathes life back into her with a passionate kiss. She wakes up in the hospital, surrounded by Will and her family, but all she can think about is the love that she lost. But memories aren’t all that’s come back from the past. And this time, Ivy’s not sure love will be enough to save her.

Its been one hard year for Ivy. She fell in love, learned how to swim, survived a car crash that took her love's life, figured out a mystery, watched her step brother fall from a rail road bridge... Her heart is healing after Tristan moved on to the other side as she goes on living life... But how do you get over your true love?

It took 15 long years for Elizabeth to write a continuation of the addictive book Kissed By An Angel. But though it took so long the new release Evercrossed picks up only a year to the day of Tristan's death. The characters: sweet, wild Ivy; friendly, artistic Will; crazy, romantic Beth; and innocent but strong willed Phillip, are all going on with life. Though Ivy is a bit boring in the book, as she dwells on the past and what could have been, withdrawing from her worried friends, I was glad to be able to read more of Ivy's life, of Tristan, Beth, and Will. Ivy is in danger once again. 

She seems to be a magnet for car crashes. First the car crash in the first book that took Tristan's life and now the car crash that almost took her life. Near death, she hopes that she will see Tristan soon. His voice envelops her and they share a passionate love-filled kiss. Ivy then wakes up in a hospital bed surrounded by Beth, Will, and her mother, Maggie. But Tristan broke an important rule. Angels should not mess with mortal life and death. And somebody else wants to see Ivy, a friend from the past bent on revenge... 

Can true love really transcend all things?

Michelle "Mikki" Morgan